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CD-Recordable FAQ

Can I get step-by-step installation and use instructions?
Yes, from the manual that comes with your recorder and software. There's no information of this type in the FAQ because there are far too many permutations of hardware and software, and the instructions would have to be updated with every new release of the software.

What's CD-R? CD-RW?

Are they identical to normal CDs?

Can I create new audio and data CDs?

Can I use it to copy my CDs?

How much can they hold?

Can I just copy files onto a CD-R like I would to a floppy?

What can you tell me about DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-RW, etc?

Can I copy DVDs with a CD recorder?

What's the cheapest recorder and best place to buy media?

Can I get step-by-step installation and use instructions?

Can I download MP3s from the Internet and make an audio CD?